Friday, June 27, 2014

Peace From Israel

Last night we arrived into Tel Aviv at 3:00 in the morning and although I could barely open my eyes from exhaustion, I felt the safest I have ever been. We arrived at our Jeruselum hotel shortly after and were greeted by gorgeous views of the old city, hebrew, and smiles. 

Micah is a special place for me because I can be sitting alone on a bench doing absolutly nothing and be completly tranquil. I feel the same way in the middle of a bustling street in Jeruselum. 

The beauty is endless and it fills your soul reminded you of why you are here, searching for peace within yourself and exploring your religious beliefs. The trees are so beautiful when i first arrived I had to check if they were real. The endless sandstone architecture is like a big warm hug from the desert. And the sounds of hebrew and prayer brings a thousand smiles and waves of love. 

Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to have Shabbat next to the Western Wall. I never imagined that this could have felt so special, doing the same service I have done at Micah for 3 years, but it felt like I belonged. Praying in a place where billions have before you causes a feeling of safety. That you and your religion are all praying together, protecting you, at this holy site. When I went to slip the prayer into the wall I took a moment to look around me, to see how special this was. Not a drop of hate. Everyone was there for the same reason and no one thought of ever interrupting another's peace. I looked up the most significant piece of religious history and I felt like I was being heard, watched, and listened to by above. 

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