Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Missiles, Bombs, and Love

With a seemingly endless flow of missiles coming from the South and more threats from the North, one might expect a group of twenty-eight teenagers to be besides themselves. Although we have had our fair share of panic attacks and tears over the probable ending of us leaving early, we haven't let that stopped us from feeling safe and loved in Israel.

I personally feel the safest I have ever felt in my life. I wake up to birds chirping and dogs barking with little kids chasing after them. Everywhere we go we are met with smiles and shaloms and love because we are considered part of the great big Jew fam. 

The amazing thing about this country is that all the people are here for a similar reason: safety from religious prosecution and the freedom to find and express themselves spiritually, religiously, and any other way they please! We went to a service last Shabbat and you could feel love radiating off of every prayer, no fear in the voice, as expected with all that was going on. After we went to Havdallah with a bunch of Orthodox women and a middle aged woman in a fully covering outfit got down on the ground breakdancing. As a teenager living in America I can honestly say I have never seen anyone go harder than those Israeli women. Peace flows through their veins. 

So, although we may have to end with some loose ends, or not finish to a full completion, there is no doubt that our group is going to enjoy themselves and feel as safe as we can in this country. 

Hugs and Snugs from Israel!

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